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Top 5 reasons why Allity chose AlayaCare as their software of choice


For aged care providers, selecting a technology platform that meets their unique requirements is a crucial decision-making process.

Allity, a residential aged care provider with 44 locations across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, began this process in 2021 and this resulted in a shortlist of three potential products.

Michelle Rouillon, National Project Manager at Allity, says that of the three products, there were five key reasons why AlayaCare Residential was selected as “the standout”.

Number 1

Graphic User Interface

Compared to their existing software, AlayaCare Residential’s graphical user interface was exceptional and it was just what Allity was looking for. It’s ease of use and point-and-click design were standout features.

“From a carer and from an RN [Registered Nurse] perspective, they’re really not going to struggle to find their way around the system, as opposed to the old technology that we have now”, says Michelle.

Number 2

Mobile capability

Another key priority for the business was the mobile capability of the product, which Michelle said had been lacking to date at Allity.

She explains that as part of working with AlayaCare Residential, Allity is investing in iPads for all their homes and carers on the floor.

“So, as they’re actually providing care and completing tasks, doing progress notes, we get rid of little post-it notes that they might carry around in their pocket. That all goes away. I can actually use the iPad to do what I need to do.”

Number 3


The third reason why AlayaCare Residential was selected by Allity is the configurability of the application itself. For Allity, the design studio of the product, and the ability for users to building their own assessments, forms, and features, were standout features.

“We’ve taken [these] 12 months to completely overhaul, redesign, [and] go forward with best practice assessments, whether it be in nutrition assessment, mental health and psychological assessments.”

As part of this process, Allity is incorporating national standards and best-practice based questions, and sequencing them in such a way that “it will just really give back time to our [Registered Nurses] whilst they’re having to do their 28-day assessment plan for a new resident”.

Number 4

Workflow + template design

Allity also “really loved” AlayaCare Residential’s workflow design and templates processes.

In the past, Allity had relied on various manual checklists across the group – from when a person was discharging from a home, to when a person had a fall.

“Post a fall, I would [have] a bunch of steps that I’d need to do. I’d need to make sure that I provide them with a necessary care contact, the GP, et cetera.”

“We’ve now predefined and pre-set all of these Allity policies and the clinical governance checklists.”

“Now they’re pre-set into the system, so [for] me, as an RN, and me, as a carer, I don’t have to actually go into the application and direct people to do A, B and C. It will actually happen for them.” Michelle says this configurability provides the team with the guidance and prompts they need, right at their fingertips.

Number 5

Clinical care integrations

The final point that stood out to Allity and “sold” them on AlayaCare Residential was the Pixalere Wound Management System.

“It’s an application that is separate to AlayaCare Residential, but the fact that it’s all encompassed within the one system, it’s embedded into that system, it just will revolutionize the way that we provide wound care management to our residents.”

“It’s not something that we do well at the moment. We don’t have good tools with our Trax system.”

“An RN has to physically go to a digital camera and take a photo of the wound, go back to a laptop, try and upload to the directory structure.”

Now with AlayaCare Residential’s Pixalere Wound Management System integration, combined with the dynamic mobility capability, staff can take a photo of the wound and monitor progress.

“That whole module alone is just going to really give back time to our [Registered Nurses].”

Book your free demo today

AlayaCare Residential is the standout solution for the aged care sector. Powerful, customisable and flexible, our cloud-based technology is designed to meet the unique requirements of aged care providers. AlayaCare Residential streamlines your processes, provides real-time access to data, and reduces your administration burden so that your teams can focus on what matters most – delivering outstanding care.

To find out more about how AlayaCare Residential can transform your business, get in touch with our friendly team today.

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