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AlayaCare’s approach to customer feedback


At AlayaCare we take a strategic approach to gathering and implementing customer feedback. The A.C.A.F. Customer Feedback Loop.

Here’s how it works: 

  1. We ask for your feedback
  2. We categorize the feedback
  3. We act on the feedback
  4. We follow up with customers who shared feedback

Asking for Customer Feedback

There are typically three scenarios in which we ask AlayaCare customers for feedback:
  • When we need to understand overall trends in customer satisfaction over time
  • When we need to understand the customer service experience 
  • When we need to uncover ways to improve our product 

Understanding overall trends in customer satisfaction over time

To identify overall trends in customer satisfaction, we first have to get a benchmark on how happy (or unhappy) our customers are today. Then we can ask the same question at set intervals to understand how our customer satisfaction changes over time. This will help us identify trends and solve new customer issues.

To measure overall customer satisfaction, we use the Net Promoter Score (NPS). 

The NPS is a percentage-based metric that measures the overall customer perception of a brand or product. It’s one question with a scale of 1 to 10. 

NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (customers who would not recommend you) from the percentage of promoters (customers who would recommend you). 

Customers are then grouped into cohorts based on their scores:

  • Detractors selected a rating between 0 and 6. These are the most dissatisfied customers.
  • Passives picked a 7 or 8 rating. These customers are relatively satisfied from working with us but can be influenced to switch over to a competitor.
  • Promoters chose a 9 or 10 rating. These are our happiest and most loyal group of customers who are willing to recommend AlayaCare to others.

How often do we launch NPS surveys?

Transactional NPS surveys are sent to customers following a defined action where we then ask them to evaluate a specific experience. A transactional NPS survey aims to understand a specific part of the customer experience. And pinpoint how, exactly, that experience is performing over time.

  • At AlayaCare, we choose to launch transactional NPS surveys to decision-makers after an event or experience with the company i.e. After kick-off or go-live
  • We also launch transactional NPS surveys to end-users after an event or experience within the product i.e. When we launch a new feature or release a fix

How do we deliver NPS surveys?

  • An in-app widget: This allows us to get customer feedback from decision-makers and end-users right when they’re using the product. 

Email: We send decision-makers an email with NPS embed it right in it.


Understanding the customer service experience 

To understand the customer service experience and analyze how our customer support team is performing, AlayaCare asks questions such as “How would you rate the support you received?” after a support ticket is closed. 

To measure this, we use the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), which is a measurement of how satisfied a customer is with specific interaction with a company. 

This question shows how happy customers were with the whole support interaction — from finding your contact information, how long it took for you to answer, the conversation they had with your team, and other follow-up conversations.

Uncovering ways to improve our product 

To identify opportunities for improvement in the AlayaCare Cloud products, our team uses a number of feedback mechanisms to uncover areas to make our products better for our customers:

  • NPS

As a reminder, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the likelihood a person will recommend our product or service. We launch transactional NPS surveys after an event or experience within the product i.e. When we launch a new feature or release a fix. 

  • Customer Advisory Boards

The AlayaCare Customer Advisory Board is a strategy-level focus group designed to connect like-minded AlayaCare customers to shape the priorities and future direction of AlayaCare.

On a bi-annual basis, our Customer Advisory Board meets to plot the direction of the industry to prepare you for what’s to come and to help AlayaCare to deliver the software you need for the future.

  • The AlayaCare Ideas Forum

A massive part of building a product is identifying new features our customers desire. The easiest way to figure it out? We ask them! AlayaCare users can visit our AlayaCare Ideas Forum to browse and vote on existing ideas to see what the AlayaCare Community has submitted, submit a new idea. The more votes an idea receives, the more impact it has on AlayaCare’s product development.



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